NVIC 12-14 – officer in charge of a navigation watch

No. NVIC Task Description Location
1. 1.1.A Adjust a sextant OICNW-1-1A in MT‑4371
2. 1.1.B Measure the altitude of the sun OICNW-1-1B in MT‑4371
3. 1.1.C Measure the altitude of at least 3 stars OICNW-1-1G in MT‑4371
4. 1.1.D Measure the altitude of the sun at meridian passage (LAN) OICNW-1-1D in MT‑4371
5. 1.1.E Celestial running fix OICNW-1-1E in MT‑4371
6. 1.1.F Plot star fix OICNW-1-1F in MT‑4371
7. 1.2.A Position fix by two bearings OICNW-1-2A in MT‑2225
8. 1.2.B Plot DR position OICNW-1-2D in MT‑2121
9. 1.2.C Determine the course to steer OICNW-1-2E in MT‑2121
10. 1.3.A Correction of charts and publications OICNW-1-3A in MT‑4371
11. 1.3.B Chart selection OICNW-1-3B in MT‑4371
12. 1.3.C Route planning OICNW-1-3C in MT‑4371
13. 1.4.A Position fix by two ranges OICNW-1-2B in MT‑2225
14. 1.4.B Position fix by tangents to identified objects OICNW-1-2C in MT‑2225
15. 1.4.C Position fix by GPS OICNW-1-4A in MT‑4371
16. 1.4.D Use of GPS position save function OICNW-1-4B in MT‑4371
17. 1.5.A Use of echo sounder OICNW-1-4D in MT‑4371
18. 1.6.A Magnetic variation MT‑1221
19. 1.6.B Correct for true heading MT‑1221
20. 1.6.C Compass deviation MT‑1221
21. 1.6.D Magnetic compass correction MT‑1221
22. 1.7.A Determine the gyro-compass error by bearing of range OICNW-1-5A in MT‑4133
23. 1.7.B Determine magnetic compass error OICNW-1-5B in MT‑4133
24. 1.7.C Determine magnetic compass deviation OICNW-1-5C in MT‑4133
25. 1.7.D Determine course to steer by magnetic compass OICNW-1-5D in MT‑2121
26. 1.7.E Position fix by magnetic compass bearings OICNW-1-5E in MT‑2121
27. 1.7.F Azimuth of the sun OICNW-1-5F in MT‑4371
28. 1.8.A Steering gear test OICNW-1-6A in MT‑4371
29. 1.8.B Set weather controls OICNW-1-6B in MT‑4371
30. 1.9 Use of meteorological instruments MT‑3131
31. 1.10 Knowledge of weather systems and reporting procedures MT‑3131
32. 1.11 Apply meteorological information MT‑3131
33. 2.1.A Identify light configurations OICNW-2-1A in MT‑2161
34. 2.1.B Identify day shapes OICNW-2-1B in MT‑2161
35. 2.1.C Identify sound signals OICNW-2-1C in MT‑2161
36. 2.1.D Determine risk of collision OICNW-2-1D in MT‑2225
37. 2.1.E Maneuver to avoid risk of collision - crossing OICNW-2D1E in MT‑2225
38. 2.1.F Maneuver to avoid risk of collision - meeting OICNW-2-1E in MT‑2225
39. 2.1.G Maneuver to avoid risk of collision - overtaking OICNW-2-1F in MT‑2225
40. 2.2.A Watch relief OICNW-2-2A in MT‑4371
41. 2.2.B Keep a safe navigation watch OICNW-2-2B in MT‑4133
42. 2.2.C Notify Master when appropriate OICNW-2-2C in MT‑4133
43. 2.2.D Keep a safe anchor watch OICNW-2-2D in MT‑4133
44. 2.2.E Turn over a watch OICNW-2-2F in MT‑4371
45. 2.3.A Voyage Planning - Appraisal OICNW-2-3A in MT‑2371
46. 2.3.B Voyage Planning - Planning OICNW-2D3B in MT‑2371
47. 2.3.C Execute a voyage plan OICNW-2-3B in MT‑4133
48. 2.4.A Situational awareness OICNW-2D4A in MT‑4133
49. 2.5.A Navigate in restricted visibility OICNW-2-2E in MT‑2225
50. 2.6.A Vessel Traffic System (VTS) OICNW-2D6A in MT‑4133
51. 2.7.A Recognition of watch condition OICNW-2-3C in MT‑4133
52. 2.7.B BRM Condition III Collision Avoidance OICNW-2-3D in MT‑4133
53. 2.7.C BRM Condition III Navigation OICNW-2-3E in MT‑4133
54. 2.7.D BRM Condition II or III – error trapping OICNW-2-3F in MT‑4133
55. 2.7.E BRM Condition II or III - prioritization OICNW-2D7E in MT‑4133
56. 2.7.F BRM Condition II Navigation and collision avoidance OICNW-2-3G in MT‑4133
57. 2.7.G BRM Condition III establish a bridge team OICNW-2-3H in MT‑4133
58. 3.1 Radar fundamentals MT‑2225
59. 3.2.A Set up and maintain radar display OICNW-3-1A in MT‑2225
60. 3.2.B Switch display modes OICNW-3-1B in MT‑2225
61. 3.3.A Identify false echoes, sea return, racon and SART OICNW-3-1C in MT‑2225
62. 3.4 Interpreting information from radar MT‑2225
63. 3.5.A Set up and maintain an ARPA display ARPA OICNW-3-2A in MT‑2225
64. 3.6 Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation MT‑2225
65. 4.1 ECDIS Knowledge MT‑3224
66. 4.2 ECDIS Proficiency MT‑3224
67. 5.1.A Passenger safety MT‑1111
68. 5.2.A Action following collision or grounding MT‑4132
69. 5.3.A Rescuing persons, assisting ship in distress, emergencies in port MT‑4132
70. 6.1 IAMSAR Manual MT‑4132
71. 7.1 Standard marine communications phrases (SMCP) MT‑3221
72. 8.1 International Code of Signals MT‑3221
73. 8.2 Receive information by Morse light OICNW-4-1A in MT‑4253
74. 9.1.A Turning circles and stopping distances MT‑4133
75. 9.2.A Course change of more than 45° OICNW-5-1B in MT‑4133
76. 9.2.B Emergency stop OICNW-5-1C in MT‑4133
77. 9.3.A Maneuver for a man overboard OICNW-5-1A in MT‑4133
78. 9.4 Knowledge of shallow water effects MT‑4133
79. 9.5.A Knowledge of anchoring and mooring MT‑4133
80. 10.1 Effect of cargo on seaworthiness and stability MT‑4241
81. 10.2 Safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes MT‑3261
82. 10.3.A Effective communications during loading and unloading MT‑3151
83. 11.01 Inspection for damage and defects MT‑2141
84. 11.2 Inspection scheduling MT‑2141
85. 11.3 Ship structure MT‑2141
86. 11.4.A Causes of corrosion in cargo spaces and ballast tanks MT‑2141
87. 11.5 Inspection procedures MT‑2141
88. 11.6 Detection of defects and damages MT‑2141
89. 11.7 Understanding of “enhanced survey programme” MT‑2141
90. 12.1.A Pollution prevention precautions ST‑0999D
91. 12.2.A Anti-pollution procedures and associated equipment ST‑0999D
92. 12.3.A Importance of proactive measures ST‑0999D
93. 13.1 Stability, trim and stress tables and diagrams MT‑2141
94. 13.2 Partial loss of intact buoyancy MT‑4241
95. 13.3 Fundamentals of watertight integrity MT‑4241
96. 13.4 Ship structure MT‑2141
97. 14.1 Organize fire drills A-VI/1-2
98. 14.2 Fire chemistry A-VI/1-2
99. 14.3 Fire fighting systems A-VI/1-2
100. 14.4 Fire fighting procedures A-VI/1-2
101. 15.1 Survival craft and drills A-VI/2-1
102. 16.1 First aid PE‑0032
103. 17.1.A International conventions SS‑4123
104. 18.1.A Describe duties and responsibilities of vessel personnel MT‑1111
105. 18.2.A Maritime conventions and national legislation SS‑4123
106. 18.3.A Task and workload management CC‑LEAD
107. 18.4.A Resource management MT‑4133
108. 18.5.A Decision making techniques MT‑4133
109. 19.1 Personal survival MT‑1111
110. 19.2 Fire prevention A-VI/1-2
111. 19.3 Elementary first aid PE‑0031
112. 19.4 Personal safety and social responsibilities EN‑1112