NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Contribute to the safe operation of deck equipment and machinery

ABD-C1.2 Knowledge of the following procedures and ability to use marlin spike seamanship skills, including the proper use of knots, splices, and stoppers

Condition Behavior Standard

On board ship or in a laboratory, or in an approved “Marlinspike Seamanship” course,

the candidate demonstrates marlinspike seamanship skills including knots, splices and stoppers, and block and tackle.

The candidate:

  1. Whips eye splice OR short splice within 15 minutes; and
  2. Ties knots (a) through (d) and at least six others within 15 minutes:

    a. Bowline;

    b. Square knot;

    c. Clove hitch;

    d. Sheet bend;

    e. Carrick bend;

    f. Rolling hitch;

    g. Stopper hitch;

    h. French bowline;

    i. Stage hitch;

    j. Running bowline;

    k. Bowline on a bight;

    l. Fisherman’s bend;

    m. Timber hitch;

    n. Cat’s paw;

    o. Figure eight;

    p. Barrel hitch;

    q. Round turn and two half hitches; and

    r. Double becket bend.

  3. Identifies various block and tackle rigs, rove to advantage, or not, and identify parts and their use.
  4. Demonstrates the proper methods for handling lines, wires, cables and chains;
  5. Demonstrates proper methods of securing and un securing canvas; and
  6. Demonstrates a working knowledge of the proper techniques to serve line.

NOTE: The candidate should successfully demonstrate seven of the ten knots and the whipping.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 14-14 Task 4.9.A , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment ABD-4J9A1 Marlinspike seamanship - knots I
  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment ABD-4J9A2 Marlinspike seamanship - knots II
  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment ABD-4J9A3 Marlinspike seamanship - splicing
  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment ABD-4J9A4 Marlinspike seamanship - line handling