NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

For keeping a safe boiler watch: Maintain the correct water levels and steam pressures

RFPEW-A2.1 Safe operation of boilers

Condition Behavior Standard

On a steam vessel, on a simulator, or in a laboratory,

the candidate assists in manual light- off, raising steam, and cutting-in on line a main- propulsion boiler.

Note 1

Not performing this task will limit the candidate’s endorsement to motor and/or gas-turbine propelled vessels only.

This task is not required for steam propulsion and no limitation will be placed on the steam vessel endorsement if this task is not completed.

The candidate:

  1. Checks all burner fuel oil root valves closed;
  2. Opens the forced draft damper, all air register doors, start the forced draft fan in high speed, and purge the furnace for a few minutes;
  3. Lines up the fuel-oil system to recirculate through heater (if fitted) and brings oil up to temperature as specified and notifies the watch engineer;
  4. Makes up a burner atomizer with a small sprayer plate and inserts it into a central register designated for light-off (#1), closes air register doors, and opens steam and fuel oil root valves for #1 burner;
  5. Adjusts forced draft damper for low fire and adjust the fuel-oil pressure to the minimum pressure specified for successful combustion;
  6. Opens the steam atomizing valve of burner #1 and allows steam to flow to at least one minute to clear header of condensate;
  7. Closes the fuel oil recirculation valve, open burner #1 air register doors, and readjusts fuel pressure to minimum required;
  8. Lights the torch or activate lighter ignition (go to step 15);
  9. Inserts the torch through the manual light-off opening;
  10. Stands clear of open register doors;
  11. Holds the torch near and just under the atomizer tip;
  12. Cracks open the burner valve;
  13. Checks for ignition; opens the burner valve wide when ignition occurs and fire stays lit (closes burner valve and purges furnace if ignition does not occur or if fire goes out);
  14. Withdraws the torch (if used);
  15. Inspects the fire through the peep hole;
  16. Checks the periscope for smoke and adjust the ratio of fuel to air needed for a steady flame and to avoid smoking while achieving complete combustion;
  17. Closes superheater drains when blowing clear of condensate;
  18. Throttles steam drum atmospheric vent when steam pressure starts to rise;
  19. Closes steam drum atmospheric vent at pressure specified by watch engineer;
  20. Throttles in on superheater vent valves, ensuring that they are not closed until the boiler is on line;
  21. Monitors steam drum water level and maintain the water level with the auxiliary feed stop check as necessary;
  22. As line pressure is approached, inserts additional atomizers into the idle burners and cut in atomizing steam;
  23. When steam drum pressure exceeds line pressure, opens the auxiliary, then the main steam stop valves, bringing the boiler on line;
  24. Closes the superheater vent valves;
  25. Switches the automatic combustion control system and feedwater regulating system to automatic as appropriate;
  26. Notifies the watch engineer of any unusual or unsafe conditions; and
  27. Takes proper action to prevent safety and pollution violations.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 07-14 Task 3.1.G , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment OICEW-5-2A Light off main boiler