NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Understand orders and be understood in matters relevant to watchkeeping duties.

RFPEW-A1.6 Engine-room alarm systems and ability to distinguish between the various alarms, with special reference to fire- extinguishing gas alarms

Condition Behavior Standard

On a vessel, on a simulator, or in a laboratory,

the candidate responds to the following alarms:

  • CO2 discharge ;
  • Fire or smoke ;
  • Engine operational alarms, including lube-oil alarms (temperature and pressure), boiler alarms, fuel-oil tank high-level alarm, oily-water separator alarm, and high-bilge-water alarm; and
  • Vessel emergency signal or alarm


The assessment applies to all RFPEW endorsements.

For each alarm response, the candidate:

  1. Silences the alarm;
  2. Describes the system involved;
  3. Describes the system’s purpose;
  4. Describes the seriousness of the alarm; and
  5. Notifies the officer-in-charge of the engine watch of the alarm and his/her actions.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 07-14 Task 2.3.A , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment OICEW-4-2A Respond to engine room alarms