NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Organize and train fire parties

AFF-X2 Preparation of contingency plans

Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties

Strategies and tactics for control of fires in various parts of the ship

Condition Behavior Standard

In an approved or accepted course, in simulated shipboard conditions, given a ship’s fire and emergency plans and procedures and having one or more fire parties fighting one of the following fire scenarios:

  1. a cargo hold fire;
  2. an engine-room fire;
  3. a galley fire, or
  4. a living-space fire,

the candidate prepares a contingency plan that includes the composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties and has a stated strategy and tactics for containing, controlling and extinguishing the fire.

Note 1

The assessment corresponds to a revalidation component that must be demonstrated in Coast Guard approved training ashore in order for mariners with 1 year of service in the previous 5 years to renew competency in Advanced Firefighting.

The candidate’s:

  1. Contingency plan is consistent with ship’s fire and emergency plans and procedures; fire party assignments are consistent with training and physical abilities of personnel;
  2. Strategy and tactics are consistent with ship’s fire and emergency plans and procedures, and accepted doctrines and procedures of shipboard firefighting for the situation given and resources available.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 09-14 Task 2.1.A , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course FF‑0106 2/C Firefighting Practicum