
On a ship at sea or in a full mission simulator.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

hand over the lookout watch in accordance with the ordinary practice of good seamanship.

Advise the relief of:

  • All objects sighted and reported;
  • Past and present weather;
  • Any special instructions to be followed during the watch; and
  • The status of the running lights;

Allow the lookout relief to acquire his or her night vision; and

Report: “The lookout is relieved.” to the officer on watch.


Assessed in MT‑2371 Sea Term II - Deck.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. RFPNW-X3.4

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 06-14 Task 3.4.A * Relief of the lookout*