
On a ship or in a laboratory using a device by which sends flashing light messages at a speed of 4 wpm; when sent two messages, the first consisting of the following:

  1. DE followed by a four-(4) letter identity signal, sent once;
  2. YU: Indicating that a Code Group follows, sent once;
  3. Text: Five random five letter groups, each of which is repeated twice; and,
  4. Ending: AR;

and the second consisting of:

  1. DE followed by a four letter identity signal, sent once;
  2. YU: Indicating that a Code Group follows; sent once;
  3. Text: Five three character code groups, each of which is sent twice;
  4. Ending: AR.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Read the Morse code flashing light signals, record the letters and numbers of the entire message, and interpret the code groups in accordance with H.O. 102.

  1. Record the letters of the message; and,
  2. Achieve a minimum passing score of 70% scored as follows:
    1. three points are given for each correct character of the five random five letter groups for a possible total of 75 points; and
    2. five points are given for each correct plain language interpretation (candidate must look up the meaning of the code groups in H.O. 102) of each of the five code groups for a possible total of 25 points.


Assessed in MT‑4253 Watchkeeping using Full-Mission Bridge Simulator.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICNW-A8.2

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 12-14 Task 8.2 Receive information by Morse light