
On a ship at sea or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at sea, when acting as part of the bridge team with assigned duties to monitor the vessel’s navigation and determine the risk or danger of collision with all vessels underway in open sea, using an IMO compliant ARPA, a GPS receiver and all other bridge navigational equipment normally found on a seagoing vessel.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Determine and plot the vessel’s position at suitable intervals, and plot or systematically observe all approaching vessels and inform the bride team of dangers to navigation, intended course changes, and vessels which pose a risk or danger of collision.

  1. The vessel’s position was determined and plotted at suitable intervals.
  2. All aids to navigation were identified.
  3. The bridge team was notified immediately of the following:
    1. when planned course changes must be made;
    2. effects of tides or currents setting the vessel off its intended and,
    3. any doubt about the vessel’s position.
  4. The risk and danger of collision with approaching vessels in the vicinity were determined by visual and radar/ARPA bearings.
  5. The bridge team was notified of the following:
    1. danger or risk of collision with any approaching vessel;
    2. recommended course change to avoid the risk or danger of collision; and,
  6. Recommended speed change to avoid the risk or danger of collision if the engines are available for immediate use.


Assessed in MT‑4133 Bridge Resource Management.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICNW-A2.7

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 12-14 Task 2.7.F BRM Condition II Navigation and collision avoidance