
On a ship at sea or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at sea.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Properly turn the watch over to a relieving officer.

  1. A DR position was plotted on the chart in use for the end of the watch.
  2. The ship’s position was determined and plotted all by means appropriate to the area transited.
  3. Required weather data was read and recorded in the deck log.
  4. The heading of the gyro and magnetic compasses were compared and recorded.
  5. The movement of all vessel traffic was checked by both visual and electronic means immediately before being relieved.
  6. The vessel’s course and speed, posting of special lookouts, the steering mode in use, and weather and visibility were related to the relieving officer.
  7. Any special instructions regarding occurrences during the past watch or which are expected during the next watch were related.
  8. All relevant information concerning vessels in sight or on the radar or ARPA was reported to the relieving officer.
  9. The master is notified of any doubt that the relieving officer is competent to perform his or her duties.
  10. The watch was not turned over during a maneuver or other action to avoid a hazard to navigation.
  11. The officer being relieved did not leave the bridge until informed by the relieving officer that he or she is ready to take the watch.


Assessed in MT‑4371 Sea Term IV: Marine Transportation.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICNW-A2.2

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 12-14 Task 2.2.E Turn over a watch