
On a ship at anchor or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at anchor.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Properly keep a safe anchor watch in accordance with STCW Code Section A-VIII/2.

  1. Determine and plot the ship’s position;
  2. Frequently check the ship’s position by visual and radar bearings and radar ranges from the same charted objects.
  3. Establish the GPS anchor alarm.
  4. Maintain a proper lookout.
  5. Ensure periodic inspections were made.
  6. Post a rating at the anchor to carry out orders with respect to the anchor.
  7. Monitor weather, tides and sea state.
  8. Notify the master immediately when the weather changes, visibility becomes restricted, or the anchor starts to drag.
  9. Place engines on standby and ready for immediate use where appropriate.
  10. Properly display all required lights and shapes and sound proper sound signals.

hand over the anchor watch in accordance with the ordinary practice of good seamanship.

Advise the relief of:

  • Which anchor is in use;
  • The number of shots used and how the chain has been marked to indicate if the brake is holding (e.g., a rag tied to the chain where it begins to run through the pawl);
  • Any standing and current orders relevant to the anchor watch (e.g., how frequently the anchor should be checked);
  • The status of access points to the ship;
  • The lead of the anchor chain and the strain when the anchor was last checked; and
  • Anticipated weather and events (e.g., heaving anchor, pilot) that can be expected to occur during the next watch

Report: “The watch has been relieved.” to the officer on watch.


Assessed in MT‑4133 Bridge Resource Management.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICNW-A2.2
  2. RFPNW-X3.5

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 06-14 Task 3.5.A * Relief of anchor watch*
  2. NVIC 12-14 Task 2.2.D Keep a safe anchor watch

Also supports RFPNW-X3.4 .