
On a ship underway or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at sea.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Properly relieve the OICNW watch at sea in accordance with good seamanship and STCW Code Section A-VIII/2.

  1. Read the standing orders and night orders.
  2. Compare the vessel’s position, course and speed read from the GPS receiver to the DR position and track.
  3. Compare the position of the next charted waypoint to the GPS waypoint and the route print out.
  4. Verify the identity of critical aids to navigation in sight.
  5. Determine tides and currents as necessary.
  6. Determine the visibility and weather conditions.
  7. Check and tune the radar or ARPA.
  8. Check any targets displayed on the radar or ARPA.
  9. Check the heading by magnetic and gyrocompass.
  10. Determine the navigational hazards likely to be encountered during the watch.
  11. Determine the possible effects of list, trim, water density and squat on under keel clearance.
  12. Discuss courses, traffic, weather and any special instructions with the officer being relieved.
  13. Explicitly tell the officer being relieved that he or she is relieved.

Properly hand over a RFPNW port watch in accordance with the ordinary practice of good seamanship and STCW Code Section A-VIII/2.

  1. Advise the relief of:
  • Which accommodation ladder or other access to the vessel is in use;
  • The ship security alert status;
  • Any standing and current orders regarding vessel security;
  • Events anticipated for the upcoming watch (sailing, pilot on board, cargo completion, etc); and
  • Bus schedules, shore leave requirements, other local events; and
    1. Report: “The watch has been relieved.” to the officer on watch.


Assessed in MT‑4371 Sea Term IV: Marine Transportation.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICNW-A2.2
  2. RFPNW-X3.5

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 06-14 Task 3.5.B * Relief of port watch*
  2. NVIC 12-14 Task 2.2.A Watch relief