
On a vessel of at least 1,000 HP, on a simulator, or in a laboratory.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Plan Ballasting operation

  • Select tank to fill
  • Estimate approximate time to fill

Line up Ballast system to fill the ballast tank

  • connect pump suction to a sea chest
  • connect pump discharge to ballast manifold
  • connect manifold to correct tank

Line up Ballast system to empty the ballast tank

  • connect pump suction to ballast manifold
  • connect pump discharge overboard
  • connect manifold to correct tank

Start and operate ballast pump

  • Monitor tank level
  • Stop pump when tank is empty or desired draft is achieved

Start and operate ballast pump

  • Monitor tank level
  • Stop pump when tank is empty or desired draft is achieved

Secure ballast pump and ballast system

  • restore ballast pump and manifold to original configuration


Assessed in EN‑3131 Steam Generators.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICEW-A5.2
  2. ABE-A7.1

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 17-14 Task 5.2.B Ballast a tank
  2. NVIC 17-14 Task 5.2.C De-ballast a tank
  3. NVIC 18-14 Task 4.1.A Operation of bilge and ballast system

See the Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.