
While on watch aboard the training ship, or on a simulator, or in a laboratory.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

As TG/SSDG Oiler

  • monitor the ship’s electrical generators
  • monitor main and auxiliary switchboards
  • monitor generator prime movers including:
    • steam tubines and associated equipment
    • Wärtsilä diesel and associated equipment
  • record operating conditions on the TG/SSDG Oiler’s log

As Lower Oiler

  • monitor the operation of the lube oil purifier, propulsion shafting and bearings and other machinery located in the Lower Engine room
  • Charge the potable water hydro-pneumatic tank with compressed air as necessary to prevent short cycling of the potable water pump
  • monitor the tank levels and temperatures in the fuel oil settling tanks
  • record operating conditions on the Lower Oiler’s log

As AMR Oiler

  • monitor the operation of the fuel oil purifier, the air compressor and other machinery located in the Auxiliary Engine room
  • record operating conditions on the AMR Oiler’s log

As Upper Oiler

  • monitor the operation of the ship’s service and control air compressors and other machinery located in the Upper Engine room
  • monitor the operation of the steering gear
  • record operating conditions on the Upper Oiler’s log

As Evaporator Oiler

  • monitor the operation of the water-making equipment including:
    • the Aqua-Chem flash Evaporators,
    • the Nyrex Jacket water evaporator, and
    • the Reverse Osmosis watermaker
  • monitor the level in the potable water tanks
  • change over potable and distilled tank suction and discharge valves as required
  • test distillate chemical salinity
  • record operating conditions on the Evaporator Oiler’s log
  • perform duties for Evaporator Oiler described in the Engineering Watchstanding Manual
  • make thorough rounds
  • make legible, complete, and accurate logs
  • ensure that potable and distilled water tanks do not overflow

As Fireman

  • monitor the main propulsion boilers
  • maintain the fires, boiler water levels, and steam pressures
  • assist in the operation of the soot blower
  • assist in preparing a main-propulsion boiler for light-off, light-off, raising steam and cutting-in a boiler, when possible.
  • record operating conditions on the Fireman’s log
  • perform all duties of the Port or Starboard Fireman described in the Engineering Watchstanding Manual
  • make legible, complete, and accurate logs
  • maintain boiler water level and steam pressures with safe and appropriate limits

As Refrigeration Oiler

  • monitor the operation of the ship’s refrigeration and air conditioning equipment
  • record operating conditions on the Refrigeration Oiler’s log

As Plant Oiler

  • monitor the lubrication of all engine room machinery
  • add clean oil as required
  • record operating conditions on the Plant Oiler’s log

For each of the above positions, relieve and hand over the watch in accordance with good engineering practice

  • complete all routine duties before handing over the watch

  • discuss current plant conditions such as those listed below before exchanging the watch

    1. operational status of the plant
    2. unusual alarms or conditions occurring during previous watch
    3. standing orders
    4. maintenance performed during previous watch
    5. on-going repairs affecting plant operations
    6. outstanding safety conditions
  • seek clarification from the off-going watch before taking over the watch, if this information was not clearly understood


Assessed in EN‑2231 Sea Term II: Marine Engineering.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICEW-A4.3
  2. OICEW-A5.3
  3. RFPEW-A1.2
  4. RFPEW-A1.3
  5. RFPEW-A1.4
  6. ABE-A5.2

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.B(G) Monitor electricity generating plant (Gas Turbine)
  2. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.B(M) Monitor electricity generating plant (Motor)
  3. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.B(S) Monitor electricity generating plant (Steam)
  4. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.C Monitor LO/FO purification systems
  5. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.D Monitor compressed air plant
  6. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.E Monitor refrigeration and air-conditioning plants
  7. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.F Determine tank and pressure-vessel levels
  8. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.G Charge a potable water pressure tank with compressed air
  9. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.H(M) Monitor jacket water evaporator
  10. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.H(M/G) Monitor reverse osmosis plant
  11. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.H(S) Monitor steam distilling plant
  12. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.I(M) Monitor main diesel engine propulsion unit
  13. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.J Monitor propulsion shafting and bearings
  14. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.K Monitor steering gear
  15. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.2.A Add clean oil to engine and deck machinery
  16. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.3.B Monitor oily-water separator
  17. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.3.C Monitor sewage treatment plants
  18. NVIC 17-14 Task 4.3.C Monitor diesel engine operation
  19. NVIC 17-14 Task 4.3.U Monitor refrigeration system
  20. NVIC 17-14 Task 5.3.A Monitor oily-water separator


See the Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.