
Aboard ship, having a main propulsion machinery of 750 kW or more, while underway in engine room.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Check uptakes


  • forced draft fans and dampers
  • DC heater
  • steam drum

Check steering gear


  • operation of online unit
  • bearings
  • oil levels
  • temperatures
  • general housekeeping in steering gear room
  • status of stand-by units

Check shaft alley


  • bearing oil levels and temperature
  • stern gland
  • bilge level

Check operating pumps and essential stand by units


  • alignment of suction and discharge
  • bearings
  • lubrication systems
  • unusual noises

Check engine room bilges


  • levels
  • contamination
  • operation of oily water separator

Check fire room

Determine mode of boiler operation

Determine the status of automated controls, including:

  • flame safeguard control
  • combustion control
  • feed and fuel control systems

Check status of stand-by units

Check main and auxiliary condensers


  • level of hotwell
  • condensate pump operation

Determine line-up of:

  • dumps
  • drains
  • make-up feed
  • condensate recirculation
  • vacuum drags

Check fresh water system


  • evaporators in operation
  • levels and temperatures
  • alignment of distribution system
  • hot water heaters
  • operating potable pumps

Check control console status


  • acknowledged alarms
  • control console operated machinery and systems
  • automatic or manual operation

Check main engine


  • sump level
  • lube oil temperature
  • bearing oil flow and temperature
  • gland sealing arrangement
  • throttle position
  • eot position

Check electrical generation


  • voltage
  • kw load
  • ground lamps
  • generators

Check refrigeration equipment


  • box temperatures
  • suction and discharge pressures
  • compressor and receiver levels

Check fuel and water tanks


  • Levels
  • Suction Status
  • Fill Status


Assessed in EN‑4231 Sea Term IV: Marine Engineering.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICEW-A1.1
  2. RFPEW-A1.2

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.1.A Engine room round
  2. NVIC 17-14 Task 1.1.A Pre watch inspection

See the Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.