
In a graded practical exercise, given an adult manikin designed for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation,

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

demonstrate airway-management techniques and management of a patient in cardiac arrest.

correctly demonstrate, according to standards of the American Heart Association, the following:

a. assessing responsiveness;
b. calling for help if victim remains unresponsive;
c. opening airway by head-tilt—chin-lift (if neck injury not suspected) or modified jaw-thrust (suspected neck injury);
d. assessing breathing by looking, listening, and feeling;
e. giving rescue breaths (2) to non-breathing victim;
f. assessing for signs of circulation by looking for normal breathing, coughing, or movement;
g. if no pulse, properly locating hand positions for chest compressions and administering 15 chest compressions followed by 2 ventilations; h. continuing CPR for a total of 4 cycles (one minute) of 15:2;
i. after performing 1 minute CPR, reassess breathing and pulse;
j. if no pulse or breathing, continue CPR;
k. if pulse but no breathing, continue rescue breathing; and
l. if pulse and breathing present, place victim in recovery position (on side).


Assessed in PE‑0032 STCW Medical Care Provider.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. AFA-X1.12

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 05-04 Task 1.4.A Perform CPR