
Given a roller bandage, a triangular bandage, a tubular rolled bandage and a cravat, when asked to demonstrate bandaging techniques for wound treatment for each injury site indicated,

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

select the appropriate bandage(s) and/or cravat, and demonstrate the bandaging technique for wound treatment for each injury site indicated.

  • select the proper bandage(s) and/or cravat

  • correctly demonstrate the bandaging technique for wound treatment that holds dressing securely in place, but does not interfere with circulation 3 of any 4 of the following injury sites (named by the assessor) in the time frame indicated:

  1. Forearm (5 minutes; uses roller bandage);
  2. Chest or back (10 minutes; uses triangular bandage);
  3. Shoulder or hip (10 minutes; uses cravat and triangular bandages); or
  4. Hand or foot (5 minutes; uses triangular bandage).


Assessed in PE‑0031 Basic Safety CPR.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. BFA-X1.3

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 08-14 Task 4.9.A Demonstrate bandaging technique for wound treatment