
On board ship or in laboratory

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

as part of a team, Plan a fuel transfer operation

  • describe ship’s fuel filling and storage arrangements
  • conduct job hazard analysis and pre-brief

transfer fuel

  • assist in taking samples for testing before taking on fuel
  • assist in connecting fuel hose to manifold
  • (simulate) taking on fuel
  • use sounding equipment to measure change in tank level and rate of filling
  • complete transfer operation without incident
  • make no safety or environmental violations

Secure from fuel transfer operations

  • secure the fuel oil fill and transfer system after the task is complete
  • assist in making relevant entries in the oil record book


Assessed in EN‑1211 Auxiliary Machinery I.


STCW Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

  1. OICEW-D7.3
  2. RFPEW-A1.3
  3. ABE-A6.1

NVIC Tasks

  1. NVIC 07-14 Task 1.2.F Take on fresh water
  2. NVIC 17-14 Task 16.3.A Take on bunkers
  3. NVIC 18-14 Task 3.1.A Operation of fuel system and oil transfer operations

See the Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.